In Search of the Sacred

Trauma to Triumph-
Facing Demons
Sacred Quest
Self Discovery
Greatest Gift to Yourself...."Getting Real"

All of us hunger for what is sacred both within and without. We seek with great longing and may not even know what we hunger for. Those of us who have been dishonored, defiled and betrayed, may yearn desperately for this elusive concept, to fill this empty place within us.  It is in our very nature to seek this in an effort to be whole. No one can completely take it away from us even though it may seem to be lost.  This sacredness is our golden thread of connection to the living earth, to our God if we are believers, and to our truest selves. It is the holy chalice of the heart.

We can awaken it if it is sleeping. We can reclaim it if it was lost. We can give it new life if it was destroyed.

Jungle Window

Cinderella’s Slipper


Is there a place waiting for me…

A unique space, shaped exactly like the person I am,

A space that no one else can fill?

Will I ever find my Cinderella Slipper

That was lost before memories began?


What dream is this i have awakened into?
A point of consciousness,
a tiny light in darkness
among multitudes.
Of no particular importance perhaps.
Yet supremely important to me. 
A sensory experience 
creating this unique being...
this being called "Me".
How did this awareness called "Myself"
even come to be?
Having this dream...a dream called life!
Some other mind could be in this body,
another mind, calling itself "Me",
Instead it is this mind...
this physical expression.
It is my precious dream, MY most sacred story.


"See that evil no longer overpowers good,. feel that hate has lost the battle and love has won...,and know that love is winning in your life too".

"For i am a blind weaver,

sensing without seeing,

and these are the very threads of my being." 


Dancing with Heart on a String

The Glimpse


Cursed to dwell in the shadowlands

No wholesome light of day

Darkness, a demonic lover

Cannot be kept at bay.

Thoughts that shrink from consciousness,

Wait till consciousness takes flight.

Then come alive

In the uneasy peace of night.

But, in this lunar realm, symbolic and perverse

She, alone, receives secret words

That might dispel the curse.

A revelation so profound

To actually write of it, profane

From highest source she found,

A great pearl, born of pain.

"Beauty is eternal" the dream hauntingly proclaimed.

Perhaps the soul is "Beauty"

The "Eternal" cannot be named.



"Pssst, say: 'My life will be redeemed to the extent i can redeem others' lives'. Pass it on!"


Inner Vision Art  by Susan Kennedy Stafford
Absolutely no part of this site can be copied or reprinted without express permission!!